Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The more you know...

Berkeley Apartments circa World War 1 or slightly after.

One reason of many as to why the Regent Park plan seemed like a good idea at the time. Places like these because of the Depression and the second World War were still around. In droves. And so we have...

And yeah, Regent Park was not actually successful. But the mistakes made there help shaped the renewal of Cabbagetown as we now know it and made sure that other public housing efforts worked better.

I'm just saying.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

A picture

of my street - from 1933. For those of you who know what to look for, my building is on the left hand side.

Yeah, I had fun browsing the Toronto online archives. Quite the addictive little tool...

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I didn't order this!

This cold.... This nose-dripping, eye-watering, sore throat, gagging, energy sapping, low grade feverish, rash sprouting cold - is distinctly NOT what I ordered. If I'm not mistaken - I didn't do anything wrong, and goodness knows I wash my hands enough that all I can think of is - why now?

And sure, that's what we'll go with as to why we haven't written. I could mention that I was going to do a big Thanksgiving blog last weekend, but I was really wiped (hmm.... wonder what was going there?) afterwards and on Sunday. Sunday night I barfed and Monday I lay around the house like some doll, pathetically reading.

I could also mention that I've been busy with school, but that doesn't exactly take me offline if you know what I mean.

So, belatedly, here are 10 things I am thankful for (in no particular order):
- My health (hey, it was on the list before hand, and this is just a lousy cold. Do I have cancer? No. Do I have degenerative disease? No. I think I've made my point)

- That I'm in grad school -

- That I have the determination to keep hacking away at student loans, bursaries and various beaurocracies - persistance pays off

- That I have my cool boyfriend, who cooks and is getting better at cleaning up afterwards and is loaning my his digital camera for an assignment.

- That I have cool friends, who are doing all these cool things

- That I have a wild, loving family who always makes sure I don't forget them or neglect them too badly (Miss M... still waiting for B-day requests!)

- That I'm always curious about learning new things whether it be knitting or social planning (Quote from class: "Planning is the organization and implementation of hope." - Sums up all the stuff I'm trying to do quite nicely)

- That I have a cool bachelor apartment in a good part of town - next to restaurants, shops and a few lovely parks.

- That I know how to cook. That was a long time coming...

And the most recent thing that I'm currently thankful for?

The mouse is apparently long gone from my apartment and I may not have even needed to put out the poison for it. Mom's probably thankful for that too...