Tuesday, July 25, 2006

So. Second day. And I am tired. My wrists hurt, my butt is feeling strangely sore, and I'm glad to be showered, fed and watered.

On the first day it was pretty slim pickings for fun as one site was covered with water and the one behind the abandoned house (late Victorian I'd guess) needed to be shovel shined. You don't actually shovel, when you do this, you just use a heavy, heavy shove to skim a few centimetres off the surface to get a good view of the features.

Since we had what's called a clay soil, that meant that all day yesterday we were shaving sun baked clay soil off of bricks etc with the shovel. We all hurt.

Today was a bit better and I spent most of it troweling out the brick base of a small building - in between the bricks I found animals bones and pottery.

The big excitement really was the discussions among the crew as to whether Firefly the series should return to the small screen and did we know if Superman ever had any babies in any version of the comics?

Much love,


At Tuesday, 25 July, 2006, Blogger Erik Buchanan said...

There was a version of Superman dealing with the idea of him and Lois having kids. Saw it in the 70's, or possible early 80's. Very wholesome, very, "how do you deal with a troublesome child?" Not a lot of "Superbaby" but a fair amount of "Superboy."

Glad the shovel monkeying is going well, and that you're finding new (old) and interesting stuff. Your butt is sore because you've been bending over and squatting repeatedly and often. Try to do some stretching in the morning before you head out. It may help.

I should really be blogging myself, but I don't have much of interest to say right now. Maybe I'll just go put up a link to this one.

Take care, and I'll check in regularly.


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