Monday, July 31, 2006

Sorry about the late posting, technical difficulties abounded!

I was lucky to stay this past weekend in my own apartment. I love the TTC, I love hamburgers and I love having a beer after a long,dry week. Friday night was spent being the only girl in a table full of men. That's always an odd situation as they are trying to be nice to you and talk about nice general topics like politics, gossip, and jobs. And then the next thing I know, I"m trapped into a conversation about cars or the Jay's prospects or what do women really want?

Saturday was spent in Hamilton. A friend of mine was naturally celebrating her twins' birthday. It was quite the occaision and there were about 8 0r 9 other babies and their parents there. It was like the toddler equivelent of kegger! And all the parents were nice. We even got goodie bags filled with cookies (& Meghan, I want the peanut butter and chocolate recipe!). Best of all? It was air conditioned.

But you're all here tofind out about the site today. The neverending site, where the layers just keep going. And going.
Today, we hit water in the hole. And there are artifacts beneath the water. Lots of mudd on a hot, hot day.

So tomorrow we're not going there. We're going to a new location to test pit in very hot temperatures, and we're already prepping for extra water.

Must go, techinical problems are returing and this computer is slowing down every world. More next time.



At Tuesday, 01 August, 2006, Blogger Erik Buchanan said...

"Mud, mud, glorious mud!
Nothing quite like it for cooling the blood!"

Glad you had a good weekend. Interesting about the layers. Pity they're under water.

If you wanted to get at those layers how would you do it?

Me, I'm caught up to my editor (chapter 19!) and may actually spend tonight doing other things and going to bed early (the madness!).

Have a good one.

At Tuesday, 01 August, 2006, Blogger Artifact Junkie said...

Congratulations on the editing Erik!

The way we're dealing with the water is to let the site dry out completly then punch through the clay. 2-3 inches of water is too much to trowel (especially wet clay) and um, to shallow to call in the underwater archaeologist! ;)


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