Monday, July 31, 2006

Sorry about the late posting, technical difficulties abounded!

I was lucky to stay this past weekend in my own apartment. I love the TTC, I love hamburgers and I love having a beer after a long,dry week. Friday night was spent being the only girl in a table full of men. That's always an odd situation as they are trying to be nice to you and talk about nice general topics like politics, gossip, and jobs. And then the next thing I know, I"m trapped into a conversation about cars or the Jay's prospects or what do women really want?

Saturday was spent in Hamilton. A friend of mine was naturally celebrating her twins' birthday. It was quite the occaision and there were about 8 0r 9 other babies and their parents there. It was like the toddler equivelent of kegger! And all the parents were nice. We even got goodie bags filled with cookies (& Meghan, I want the peanut butter and chocolate recipe!). Best of all? It was air conditioned.

But you're all here tofind out about the site today. The neverending site, where the layers just keep going. And going.
Today, we hit water in the hole. And there are artifacts beneath the water. Lots of mudd on a hot, hot day.

So tomorrow we're not going there. We're going to a new location to test pit in very hot temperatures, and we're already prepping for extra water.

Must go, techinical problems are returing and this computer is slowing down every world. More next time.


Thursday, July 27, 2006

So tired.

And not the muscles at the moment. It's because its day 4 and after working 10 hours each day, I had hoped to have my weekend beginning tomorrow.

No such luck.

Instead Dayle & I are returning to the site tomorrow. This is because when we were done everything else that had to be done, the last feature proved to be more interesting than the first 10 cm indicated. We're still digging. The deepest corner we've uncovered so far comes up to my hips and there's still more to uncover. The feature is 10ft wide.

It's going to be a long day tomorrow and a short weekend.

At least our site area is pretty. It's perched on a bit of an up hill, so we can look out at undulating hills and trees. There are meadows all around us and several visiting birds. There is a bit of a waterhole where the land was cleared and it hasn't drained yet. It is now populated by frogs, and dragonflies, and the occaisional heron who doesn't like to approach when we're there.

Well, I'm off to drink lots of water and prep for tomorrow. I may post over the weekend, but I'll try and give you a call Mom & Dad.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

So. Second day. And I am tired. My wrists hurt, my butt is feeling strangely sore, and I'm glad to be showered, fed and watered.

On the first day it was pretty slim pickings for fun as one site was covered with water and the one behind the abandoned house (late Victorian I'd guess) needed to be shovel shined. You don't actually shovel, when you do this, you just use a heavy, heavy shove to skim a few centimetres off the surface to get a good view of the features.

Since we had what's called a clay soil, that meant that all day yesterday we were shaving sun baked clay soil off of bricks etc with the shovel. We all hurt.

Today was a bit better and I spent most of it troweling out the brick base of a small building - in between the bricks I found animals bones and pottery.

The big excitement really was the discussions among the crew as to whether Firefly the series should return to the small screen and did we know if Superman ever had any babies in any version of the comics?

Much love,

Sunday, July 23, 2006

So its the day before my first day on my new job and hey, I'm feeling a little nervous. Like, what if I've suddenly lost the ability to shovel? What if I make a horrible impression on my new boss?

Good thing I don't have to worry about my supervisor, since I've worked with him before....

Actually Dayle & I went shopping today to pick up a few needed items. Leather work gloves, another water bottle and a hat.

The hat was important. Finding good hats for me is hard, because frankly I have a huge head & women's hats are often a one size deal that's modelled on some tiny petite skull that perches on the top of my head like a crown.

But not today! We found some extra large canvas "bucket" hats. They fit and they looked cute. Hey, just because you're in the field doesn't mean you can't look pretty. We also stocked up on lunch food.

And all that sounds boring perhaps but I was pretty excited because it all means that I'm going back to work and I'm going back to work in archaeology.

We will be working on a 19th century house remains and midden, which for those of you not familiar with archaeology means that we will be going through the family's garbage dump from well over a hundred years ago. Because except for when you're digging a gravesite (rare these days) or stumble on a treasure cache (even rarer in Southern Ontario) archaeology is basically going through other people's garbage or abandoned houses. And its oddly what I want to keep on doing...

Friday, July 21, 2006

Initially, this blog was going to have a slightly different focus. I would sit back and declare my views on all things heritage.
I crave, I need and do everything I can to work around heritage. I have dug at archaeological sites, conserved gravestones, washed and catalogued artifacts in three different provinces and drooled over archives (even though you really, really shouldn't).

Then I realized that well, a lot of my opinions come from newspaper clippings and gossip sessions from people in the industry. Stuff that you can't actually say without revealing who said what. It's not like my favorite gossip sites where anonymous "sources" can throw out all kinds of things.

No Mom, of course I don't spend all my time reading gossip. Not in the daytime anyways.

So. Instead, since I have a new job and I'm not likely to be available by my home phone any time soon, I thought I'd use this little web niche to chat about my day while I'm away at work.

So, if you're friends and family - here's what I'm doing. And if you stumble across this little site... welcome! I'm not sure what interest my life has for you but it takes all kinds, right?