Friday, August 25, 2006

Well, who knows if this will post? All I know is that Blogger is acting very weird.

Not much new with me these days. I'm back from a week of test pitting in forests, thick brush, and tall weeds that were taller than me! A sure sign of fertile earth? When the goldenrod effectively isolates you from the rest of the world and your co-worker can't find you until you hold up your shovel.

It's very physical work and it was kinda depressing as we didn't find any site per se. We did find a wicked stone boulder fence in the middle of a now forest. The boulders were piled up to sometimes three stones high and some portions of the wall went above the 6 ft mark. The wall was in two surviving portions- one was about a 100m long and the other a little less than 50m.

And yes, I am aware that I just mixed two different measurement systems in the same paragraph. I'm of a flexible generation...

This day in town is proving to be a bit frustrating. I am waiting for a letter of clearence from the collection people that I paid years ago. Without this letter, I cannot apply for funding for school. They insist that this week they really will send it. To be honest the whole thing is freaking me out, and I want to yell at the guy who keeps saying its taken care of. Listen "Steve" its not taken care of because I don't have it yet. You keep saying that the letter is sent (I never received it), that you can fax it to me (he hasn't) and you never pick up your extension when I call (I finally got through by way of being transferred through a few people). Then today you say that it should go through because you gave the number to your "girl" to send. Dude, wasn't that same person in charge of mailing the letter to me?

Anyways must go off to have pho(soup). Must power up for my last week of work and Dayle's family reunion up at the farm tomorrow.

Update: Well, I finally got the letters yesterday afternoon, a little after 3pm, which made it too late to pop up to the university with it. Curiously, for a document that the company has been claiming sent out for over a month, the date of "release" was August 25, 2006. Now, really, if you're going to lie about having done something, shouldn't you cover your butt a bit more effectively?


At Monday, 28 August, 2006, Blogger Erik Buchanan said...

Ah, collection agencies.

Trying to get paperwork out of them is like trying to get blood out of a rhino with a toothpick. You can do it, but it isn't any fun.

When are you back in town for the fall?


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